Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Chi Theta Omega Chapter


A Message
From Our

Salutations! It is a privilege to welcome you to the website of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Chi Theta Omega Chapter.
Chartered in 2003, Chi Theta Omega became the first black Greek-letter sorority in Frederick, Maryland. In 2023, Chi Theta Omega celebrated 20 years of service within the Frederick community. Chi Theta Omega is dedicated to providing Service to All Mankind through our promise and devotion to service. Chartered with 15 members, Chi Theta Omega has grown to over 90 members.
Under the leadership of our esteemed International President, Danette Anthony Reed, we are Soaring to Greater Heights in Sisterhood and Service with the following six initiatives.
Strengthen Our Sisterhood will serve as the administration’s “Foundation Initiative” as we strengthen our bonds to support our service mission.
The remaining five will serve as the “Program Initiatives:”
Empower Our Families
Build Our Economic Wealth
Enhance Our Environment
Advocate for Social Justice
Uplift Our Local Community
As the president of Chi Theta Omega, I plan to lead our chapter with a collective vision on SERVICE.
CTO’s vision is to model SERVICE through chapter operations and programs, partnerships, sisterhood, and volunteering, making Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® the supreme service organization in Frederick County Maryland.
We appreciate you taking the time to visit our site and invite you to visit frequently to engage with our chapter by learning about our programs, history, and members.
In Sisterly Service,
Jamie Bennett
Chapter President